Wooden Diamonds
Discover Stories & Thoughts about Trees, Wood and Creating
When I’m creating, I always think about the exact surfaces I’m working on, the grain, the trees, how they lived, what they saw in it´s hundrets or thousands of years.
Step by step, sometimes with a concrete goal, from which I can deviate, if it comes as it comes.
I think about the joy it should bring and positive things…
All were made with very few tools, but with a lot of time and dedication.
Why am I doing this?
First of all, I am overcome with an incredible joy when I work.
When I plan cuts, start sawing and then the inside of the wood is revealed. That is always a huge surprise.
Something like looking into a static fire, or rather, diving through it.
You usually find unexpected images that overturn the initial „plan“. Sometimes you also find cracks, which is a shame in terms of time, but the search for diamonds is not easy either!
There is no guarantee that I will find anything at all. I hope every time anew, but I am rarely disappointed.
For many years now I have really enjoyed small special things.
I hate this mass waste and garbage production these days.
During my mountain bike time, I was able to get to know many forests, landscapes and their magic.
In some places there is an indescribable atmosphere if you are receptive to it.
The Big Surprise
I feel like it´s christmas and birthday when i saw, in most cases.
Especialy Olive Wood produces very unpredictable images.
Before sawing, I try to make a kind of MRT of the wood and see some shape in it…
With rare material it is very exciting.
Will it turn out as hoped or even better?
A grinding depth offset of micrometres produces totally different images.
Unfortunately, there are often cracks in the most interesting places.
It´s like a search for the special spots of a tree with a microscope.
The raw materials I search for and work with are all unique and you don´t get a second chance for that exact grain. Whren the saw is moving, youre better be sure.
In this category, the variety is enormous and endless beautiful, but matchless too.
My absolute favorite wood, so far, is olive wood. Endless variety in grain, fragrance, haptic and consistency.
Some parts like glass, some like wax-metal. Almond is like cast iron, plum is a bit bumpy but cooperative, lilac from time to time a bit bitchy but stunning when tamed.
~3500 Jears and maybe more…
The trees are several thousand years old.
What would you do with this tree when he goes?
Probably let him lay down and rest.
Or we extend his life. What would the tree prefer?
The Eyes of a Tree
Some say that the bird’s eye of a tree is much more than just a beautiful grain.
They carry the eye of the tree after its „death“. Its spirit remains. Watching over and reassuring us. Unwavering as it always was.
The Wild Olive Tree ♥
Das Holz ist wie der Baum: äußerst unterschiedlich und wild, in jeglicher Hinsicht.
Es reicht von sehr hartem Wachs, wie ein wachsstein, über Normalholz wie man es kennt, bis hin zu gestocktem, welches genau passend von Feuchtigkeit zersetzt wurde und die ersten Verrottungsprozesse starten. Das Holz ist im perfekten Moment noch stabil und bildet schon eine einzigartige Optik . Das ist zumindest bei Olive möglich, weitere Tests und Entdeckungen folgen sicherlich.
Die wilde Wuchsrichtung und zusätzlich die „Riegelung“, die einen 3D-Effekt erzeugen.
Es nicht richtig wie ein Hologramm aber es geht in die Richtung.
Big W